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What To Eat With Sinus Infection? Here’s Our Guide!

When you are suffering from a sinus infection, it can be difficult to know what to eat. There is no one-size-fits-all solution because everyone’s body reacts differently.

In this blog post, we will discuss the best foods for dealing with your sinuses and some recipes that you might find helpful in getting through the day.

Sinus infections are the bane of many people’s existence. Gnarly sinus headaches, pressure and pain in the face, and a stuffy nose can make just about anything in life a challenge. Fortunately, eating certain foods can ease the discomfort and speed up the healing process.

What is Sinus Infection

A sinus infection is an inflammation of the sinuses caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. Sinuses are small air-filled spaces in the bone just behind the nose and eyes. The overgrowth of these germs leads to congestion which can lead to symptoms such as headaches, nasal discharge that looks like mucous (from blowing your nose), postnasal drip from excess mucous production down the throat, facial pain due to swollen tissues around what’s called “sinusitis” and fever.

When your sinuses are infected, the infection in your nose and sinuses can spread to your ears, causing an ear infection. Ear infections can be painful and may cause fluid to build up in the middle ear. This can cause pain, infections, or hearing problems.

There are two types of sinus infections–acute and chronic.

Acute episodes

This usually last less than four weeks while chronic ones last for more than nine months persistently with no significant improvement at any point during treatment.

Treatment for acute sinusitis may vary. Antibiotics are often used to treat bacterial or fungal infections, and decongestants can help with congestion of mucous production in the nose.

Chronic infection

Treatment is more complex as it will be different depending on what type of germ causes the inflammation therefore a doctor should be consulted before beginning any kind of treatment plan.

There’s no sure way to prevent chronic sinuses but there are steps that you can take such as using saline spray if your nasal passages feel clogged after blowing them out; gargling salt water at least twice per day; washing off all makeup from around your eyes when getting ready for bed so that no bacteria gets into those areas which could lead to infection.

Foods to quickly relieve sinus congestion

The naturally occurring bacteria in our sinuses help to clear out mucus and other nasty junk that gets stuck up there.

However, when the sinuses are blocked by a cold, allergy, or other infection, the mucus has trouble draining on its own, and that’s when we have to help out.

Here are some foods that can help you to quickly relieve sinus congestion by speeding up the draining process:

Fruits And Vegetables:

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables provides an additional supply of immune system boosting vitamins A, C, E, B12, and beta carotene; all of which play an important role in fighting off infection.

Garlic, Onion, Ginger

It has been used for centuries as a natural antibiotic so try to incorporate it into your diet if possible (especially in soup) or have an onion instead; ginger is known for its ability to break up mucus and will help with congestion – add it into your food like tea or ginger ale or even take a supplement form such as capsules.

Adding some fresh ginger as well will give this recipe the anti-inflammatory properties of ginger along with its earthy flavor.


They are good sources of vitamin E which can be lost through dehydration when suffering from a sinus infection.

They’re also high in healthy fats that may reduce inflammation caused by a mucous build-up inside your nose or throat (which is typical during a sore throat).

Include Horseradish in Your Daily Diet

Horseradish is a great food for sinus infections because it helps to clear out the nasal passages and remove mucous buildup. It can be used in sauces, meats dishes, or pureed into soup.

Horseradish can also be used in salad dressings, sauces, and dips.

Increase Probiotics Intake

Eating foods containing probiotics can help maintain a healthy gut, which is important for healing. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests eating yogurt with active cultures at least twice per day as well as other fermented milk products such as cheese and kefir.

These will increase the amount of good bacteria in your gut while decreasing inflammation during recovery from sinus infection symptoms.

It is also recommended to eat probiotic-containing foods that have not been pasteurized such as raw milk and fermented tofu, which can be found in the refrigerated section of grocery stores.

Use Turmeric More Often

If you’re suffering from a sinus infection, consider adding more turmeric to your diet.

It can help with inflammation and there are studies suggesting that it may also be beneficial for chronic bronchitis which is often associated with sinus infections.

Add Peppers to Your Meals

Adding some peppers to your meals may be what you need. Hot or sweet, peppers are great for adding flavor and nutrients to dishes without requiring any extra work! They contain Vitamin C which is good for the immune system and can reduce inflammation in the nose.

In addition, they help alleviate a sore throat by relieving congestion from phlegm build up in the airway as it helps break down mucus that has accumulated there.

Butterfly Peppers:

Butterflies have more sweetness than spiciness but still, provide plenty of both flavor and health benefits like vitamin A (which would be great with eggs!)

Jalapeno Peppers:

These pungent little guys pack a punch—a kick of heat that is usually just what the doctor ordered for a sinus infection!

Serrano Peppers:

More spicy than sweet, these peppers are perfect when you need to clear your nose and lungs. They also have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties that can help a sore throat feel better. And their vitamin C content is fantastic for immune system health as well.

You may want to avoid chili peppers if you’re sensitive or allergic to them—especially since they contain more spice than other types of pepper do. If this applies, go with less strong versions like bell peppers instead (they still offer plenty of Vitamin C)

Health Tips: The Sinus Fighters

There are numerous ways to treat sinus infection-related symptoms such as nasal congestion, sinus pressure, and headaches.

While pharmaceuticals, such as antibiotics, provide short-term relief, they do not address the root cause of the problem. (In fact, antibiotics can lead to a deterioration of the body’s natural immune defenses.)

Instead, people with sinus problems should focus on boosting immunity and combating infection-causing bacteria.

Fortunately, there are natural sinus infection remedies that can help with this.

Drink More Water

A simple and effective method for treating sinusitis is to drink adequate amounts of water. Increased fluid intake will reduce the congestion in your nose, as well as thin mucous secretions that are responsible for irritating symptoms like a sore throat or cough.

Avoid Dairy Products

Avoid dairy products that are known to cause sinus irritation such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

Dairy is often what causes the inflammation of nasal passages which can lead to a sinus infection.

Inhale Steam

One of the easiest things you can do to relieve sinus congestion is to inhale the steam. I’m not talking about going for a sauna, but rather boiling water and then placing your face over it as close as possible without touching the surface.

Breathe in deeply through your nose; exhaling out of both nostrils.

This will help remove any mucus that’s clogging up those nasal passages which could be what’s causing some difficulty breathing too! It also helps loosen phlegm – so if you’re able to cough just a little bit while doing this, even better.

Drink Tea

There are a variety of teas that can be beneficial for someone who has a sinus infection.

Green tea is known to have antioxidants that will help reduce the amount of inflammation in your nasal passages and throat, as well as ginger root extract which might help fight off an invasion from bacteria or viruses by making it harder for them to attach themselves to cells on the surface of your body.

Although there’s no scientific evidence (yet) that ginger may improve immunity against colds, strains, and flu.

Do Oil Pulling

Oil pulling, also called oil swishing or detoxifying mouthwash, is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that you can do to help relieve sinus congestion.

  • Swish a tablespoon of your favorite healthy fat in the morning and evening for 20 minutes total.
  • Recommended fats include coconut oil, ghee, olive oils, almond butter, avocado oil…you get the idea! If you have a nut allergy use sunflower seed butter instead.
  • Drink plenty of water while doing this exercise so as not to dehydrate yourself
  • The best time to perform an oil pull? Early in the day before eating anything because it will make digestion more difficult. You may even want to lie down for 20 minutes after oil pulling to help get more fluids into the sinuses.
  • Afterward, rinse with warm water and brush your teeth as usual.

Make a DIY Saline Nasal Spray

In addition to what to eat with a sinus infection, you will want to make a DIY saline nasal spray.

All it takes is two cups of water and ¼ ounce of salt – no other ingredients are necessary!

  • Simply mix the salt into the cup of warm water until dissolved.
  • Gently tilt your head back and gently pour the mixture up to one nostril at a time while inhaling through your nose as usual for about 30 seconds or so then repeat on the opposite side.

This should help dry out any clogged passages that may be causing pain in your throat and congestion in your ears.

Next, if there’s also fluid draining from either ear (you can feel this by tipping their head slightly towards them) try using an over-the-counter ear wax removal kit.

Apply Warm Compress

  • Place a warm compress on your face to relieve sinus pressure.
  • Apply it for about 20 minutes and then take a break.
  • Repeat this process until the pain is relieved or you fall asleep from exhaustion.

You can use hot water, tea bags, milk, soup broth or just let them cool off in the fridge before applying them if they are too hot right out of the kettle.

You can also try using a towel that has been soaked in lavender oil. Lavender is known to be good for easing the pressure of sinus problems and it smells really nice, too!

A humidifier in your bedroom will also be helpful. This might not work well for you if the humidity is too high, but a good rule of thumb to follow is that if there’s 30% or less humidity outside then it would benefit you to have around 40%-60% inside.

You can use a cool-mist humidifier or even just fill up water bottles with hot water and place them on top of things so they emit some steam into the air.

Practice Stress Relief Techniques

Practice stress relief techniques. Stress can make your symptoms much worse and lead to more severe illnesses, so it’s important to find healthy ways of coping with life’s problems.

Take care of yourself by practicing yoga or meditation in order to stay calm and focused on what you’re doing. It’ll take some time for these practices to become a habit, but they will be worth the effort if they help you manage your health.

Last Words

Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids (including water), get enough sleep each night, and exercise regularly. Take care of your home environment by reducing allergens, toxins, and dust mites.

This will keep you healthy all year long!

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