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What Not To Eat With Acid Reflux? Find Out Here!

Acid reflux is a condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus. This can cause pain and discomfort, as well as heartburn. One way to prevent this from happening is to avoid certain foods that trigger acid reflux including:

  • Coffee – Coffee can irritate the esophagus and decrease production of saliva, increasing the risk for acid reflux
  • Tomatoes – Trying eating tomato’s without slices or sauces. They are acidic and can increase symptoms of gastroparesis (slow emptying) which is one of the causes for Acid Reflux.
  • Spicy Foods – Spices such as chili powder, cayenne pepper, curry spices, hot sauce and wasabi have been shown to worsen gastric discomfort from an upset stomach by causing heartburns. This includes any type of peppers like jalapeno’s too.
  • Tomatoes – Trying eating tomato’s without slices or sauces. They are acidic and can increase symptoms of gastroparesis (slow emptying) which is one of the causes for Acid Reflux.
  • High-fat foods – High fat content in food may cause stomach acids to flow back up into your throat , this is because when there are too many fats in the stomach, it can cause a sluggish movement of food through your gut and also cause gas.
  • Citrus Fruits – Citrus fruits like oranges are acidic and can cause heartburns.
  • Carbonated beverages – carbonated drinks such as sodas, seltzers, or club soda contain acidity in the form of sodium bicarbonate that is not helpful to those with Acid Reflux.
  • Alcohol – Alcohol may worsen GERD through its effects on relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Alcohol may also increase stomach contents’ production of gastric acids which then release hydrochloric acid into your system when it reaches a certain level making you feel worse from reflux symptoms .
  • Caffeinated Beverages – Caffeine has been shown to relax the LES muscle which makes people more susceptible to experiencing symptoms.

These are the most common triggers, but there may be others for you like citrus fruits and tomatoes as well. If your symptoms persist after avoiding these trigger foods then it is best to see a doctor immediately rather than continuing to experiment with what might work. It’s better to play it safe in this case.

What to eat when you have acid reflux?

If you have acid reflux, it’s important to know what not to eat. You don’t want foods that will make symptoms worse or trigger the condition altogether. So how do you distinguish between good and bad foods?

It all comes down to pH levels! Acid reflux is triggered when stomach contents leak into your esophagus due to a malfunction in muscle tone as well as delayed emptying of food from the stomach. The problem occurs because these substances are more acidic than your saliva which can cause irritation on sensitive tissues like the throat and larynx.

The following list of foods can help:

  • Cheese – low acid content.
  • Cottage cheese – low in fat and high in calcium which can help prevent cramps and diarrhea, as well as keeping bones strong
  • Non-citrus fruits – bananas are a good source of potassium for heart health
  • Fruit juice – diluted juices have less sugar than carbonated drinks or sweet tea so they won’t irritate the throat, but don’t drink more than one cup per day to avoid dehydration
  • Rice pudding is recommended over other desserts because it has lower levels of fat, carbohydrates and protein.

In general you want to eat foods that will minimize your risk of reflux symptoms while also helping treat them when they occur. It’s important not only to learn what food triggers can bring on an attack, but also what you can eat to minimize or prevent the symptoms.

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