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What Can You Eat To Help With Period Cramps? Here’s Our Answer!

Period cramps are a common problem for many women. They are caused by various factors including menstrual changes, low iron levels and stress.

Many women find that eating a healthy, balanced diet can help to prevent periods from becoming painful, while others find that adding foods to their diet may help to shorten the length of their period.

Eating a diet high in fiber is recommended as a way to help to keep periods regular and relieve the pain.

Periods are a pain in the rear, and some women have them more than others. However, you can help relieve period cramps with the right foods .

The foods you eat can make a difference because the ingredients in drugs and medical treatments can be similar to those found in foods.

If your diet does not contain certain nutrients or if you are not eating enough calories, you may not get the same pain relief as if you were eating healthy food.

What is period cramps?

Period cramps are one of the most common menstrual symptoms, and can happen to anyone. Period cramps can be defined as painful muscle contractions that happen when a woman is on her menstrual cycle, which happens each month.

Some women experience these cramps all the time, and will only cramp during their period. Others will cramp right at the beginning of their period, then again right at the end.

It is important to note that if you experience cramps during your period, it is not a sign that you have an infection or anemia.

This is why many women avoid using oral contraceptives during this time, because they can aggravate the cramps.

Foods That Help with Cramps

As you get older, your body changes. A new set of hormones are released and your body begins to weaken. This weakening can cause muscle cramping and pain.

The key is to eat foods that are high in phytoestrogens, which mimic estrogen. Be sure to eat these regularly during your period to help combat period cramps.

There are a few foods that help with muscle cramps and pain and and they are also great for helping you stay active and healthy all year.

The following foods are all great to consume during your cycle to help alleviate the symptoms of PMS:

  • Drink a lot of warm water.
  • Nuts like almonds.
  • Black Beans / Flax Seeds.
  • Fatty Fish like salmon .
  • Leafy greens.
  • Eat few eggs.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Soy-based foods- such as tofu, soy milk, soy burgers, and soy nuts.
  • Ginger- it helps reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Bananas- are high in potassium, an essential mineral that may reduce pain and swelling.
  • Turmeric- it is a spice that may reduce inflammation and boost the immune system, which explains why it’s helpful for PMS-related discomfort.

Foods to avoid

Let’s face it: no one wants to have period cramps. But, they can be a real pain in the rear. When you get them, you want to make them go away as quickly as possible.

There are a few things you can do to help with the pain. But, you need to be aware of what might make things worse. These foods will make your cramps even worse, so avoid these at all costs.


A cup of black tea or coffee may seem like a great idea when you’re cramping in preparation for your menstrual cycle, but according to recent studies, coffee and other caffeinated drinks may actually make your period cramps worse.

This can make cramps worse and increase the chance of stomach ulcers. caffeine is a diuretic, meaning it makes you pee a lot.

That’s why some experts believe that drinking caffeinated drinks when you’re PMSing may cause menstrual cramps.

 Spicy foods

Most of us when we have period cramps guess what? We start to crave some sort of extra spicy food.

People usually feel these cravings just before their period, and the spicy food they crave are those spicy foods that help them with period cramps, which is why they are called period cravings.

But this may delay of your period and cause more period cramps.

Salty foods

These days, many women find that their period cramps can be painful. Some of these cramps are not caused by a shortage of calcium. Instead, they can be caused by a salt deficiency.

One of the biggest foods to limit when you have these periods is the salt content in your diet. Salt is a food that can be harmful to your health when consumed in excess.

For many women, it can be difficult to avoid salty foods, especially when they are in season. You can get rid of those period cramps by avoiding salty foods.


Drinking alcohol while you’re on your period is a rite of passage. Although it’s not recommended as a regular part of your period health, it can be enjoyed in moderation for relaxation and to ward off unpleasant cramps

But alcohol has been shown to increase menstrual blood loss, and can also lead to increased pelvic pain and other symptoms that you don’t need when you’re on your period. It can also lead to dehydration, so you don’t want to overdo it.

How can you reduce period pains?

Can period pains be prevented? Or, can you reduce them? The answer in both cases is a resounding “yes”! Painful periods are very common—about a third of women experience them at some point in their life.

Period pains are caused by the muscles of the uterus contracting. The pain is usually caused by the fact that the muscles have become so tight that when they contract, they rub against each other.

1. Eat healthy foods

The good news is there are a number of foods that can help you reduce your period pain. Adding more foods to your diet can also help reduce the amount of pain you experience during menstruation.

That is why it is so important to choose the right foods to eat when on this journey.

2. Exercise 

Exercising regularly, especially aerobically, has been shown to reduce menstrual cramps. However, it’s important to remember that not all exercise is the same, and some types of exercise can be contraindicated for people with menstrual problems.

Aerobic exercise, such as running and cycling, is a good choice. Also, consider doing some stretching exercises, which may ease menstrual pain.

And this still depends a lot on a range of factors including age, gender, fitness level, activity level, genetics, and the kind of period pain you are experiencing.

3. Put heat pad 

Heat pads can be very useful for relieving the pain associated with period cramps. Heat patches can help to reduce period pain caused by inflammation.

But if your period is causing painful cramps in your abdomen, it can cause further inflammation with even a minor bump.

4. Take warm bath

While most women know that taking a warm bath helps ease menstrual cramps, many aren’t sure why it works.

Along with soothing the physical pain from cramping, warm bath also relaxes muscles and blood vessels, improving blood flow to the uterus and making it easier to expel the uterus lining (which is a process called menstruation).

5. Rest

The common symptoms include stomach cramps and pain in the abdomen, and those who suffer from it find it difficult and painful to perform everyday tasks. Some women are told to rest.

Basically, the less strain there is on your abdomen, the less pain and cramping you will experience.

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