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What To Eat With Sensitive Teeth? Our Guide Here!

If you have sensitive teeth, it can be difficult to figure out what to eat. If you’re trying to avoid certain foods because they make your teeth hurt, then this article is for you!

This blog post will talk about what to eat with sensitive teeth and how to manage the pain so that eating doesn’t feel like torture.

Did you even know that there are foods that can make your teeth sensitive?

The truth is, sensitive teeth are actually caused by a number of factors, and not all of them have to do with the food you eat.

Some people are just naturally sensitive, but others have teeth that become sensitive when they consume acidic or hot foods or drinks. 

What is best for sensitive teeth?

The first thing you need to do is to brush your teeth regularly. This sounds obvious, but most people don’t brush frequently enough.

Don’t be afraid to brush after each meal if you have sensitive teeth – you’ll just need to be careful not to damage the enamel while you’re at it.

One of the most common causes of tooth sensitivity is tooth decay. If you know you have a cavity, you should visit your dentist to get the root canal treatment.

However, this isn’t a permanent solution, as you’ll need to go back to the dentist regularly for check ups and more procedures.

Fruits are a good thing to eat with sensitive teeth – they’re natural sources for sugar to buffer acids coming from other foods like tomatoes, lemons and vinegar!

Drink water with your meal: Water is a natural way to rinse away acids that could cause tooth sensitivity or decay if they linger on the surface of the teeth too long.

Eat slowly and carefully: It’s best if what you eat has been thoroughly chewed and is very soft, because this reduces the amount of time acidic saliva spends absorbing into teeth which causes sensitivity or decay (dental caries).

Cook your foods through: Make sure to chew all of the food before swallowing it so you don’t have sharp pieces in your mouth. This will also help avoid acid erosion on tooth enamel from these small bits of food when you swallow them after chewing them up.

Avoid sour or acidic foods: These types of food cause acid erosion on tooth enamel which can lead to sensitivity. You may want to steer clear of citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar, and other acidic liquids such as soda (even diet).

Stay away from citrus fruits: Like oranges and grapefruit not just for their acidity but also the citric acid contained in them that has been shown to cause damage to teeth enamel over time if consumed regularly.

Stay away from foods high in sugar content: Especially if your teeth tend to hurt after consuming them. This includes all sorts of sweets including cakes, candies, pies etcetera. You’re better off going for fruit when looking for dessert options instead anyway since they’re usually less acidic and the sugar isn’t as concentrated.

If you’re looking for a drink with a little bit of sweetness: go for milk and chocolate or try to find something that’s low in acidity like sparkling water.

What foods are bad for sensitive teeth?

Tooth sensitivity is often caused by excessive tooth wear. This can be due to overbrushing with a hard brush, or repeated chewing on foods that are too cold.

The following foods may worsen tooth sensitivity:

  • Cold food and liquids (ice cream)
  • Citrus fruits and juices, such as grapefruits
  • Carbonated drinks without natural sugars like stevia added for sweetness
  • Spicy or salty snacks
  • Crisps including popcorn, chips and crackers
  • Hard crunchy sweets such as toffee, crisps and salted nuts. These can damage tooth enamel if your teeth are sensitive because they increase the risk of cracked or broken surfaces on them.

Some people find that hot drinks like tea also make their teeth more sensitive. For these individuals, drinking sweetened cold beverages may be a better alternative for an enjoyable drink while still avoiding anything too cold in temperature.

Last Words

When you have sensitive teeth, it can be difficult to find good foods that won’t make your mouth hurt. However, there are some choices out there for people like us who want to enjoy a meal and not suffer in the process of chewing.

The most important thing is to avoid foods which will cause the tooth enamel on your teeth to crack making them even more sensitive.

Find out next what types of food to eat if you have a toothache.

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